Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Lots of stuff has happened this last week. Deb had her birthday on April 9th and believe me, I really do love a birthday. No worries with getting older, I just love an excuse for a party! I got to do a little shopping, thanks to the wonderful family members who sent me some "spend it all on your self" cash. I also got to go out for tea with chris and the kids (a novel experience with financial constraints as they have been). I got some perfume which was just in time as I was down to my last squirt of good stuff, and chris bought me a gorgeous pair of earrings from the antique shop, very nice! All in all I was thoroughly spoilt and had a very special day.

The following day I got to celebrate some more...Chris and I had our 10th wedding anniversary. Imagine that, 10 years and we still like each other, that's amazing!

Then we need to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my beautiful niece and nephew, Nikita and Hughie who turned 3 on the 11th of April. Wish we could have been there to see them but I know they would have gotten extra kisses from Grandma or Aunty Lynne for us. Hope they got their present OK.

Well that was Thursday, Friday and Saturday all taken care of...then woke up Sunday and you'll never believe it...Easter Bunny had been! We weren't sure that he would find us here in Lismore but the kids made a basket anyway just in case and Laura decorated the christmas tree with easter eggs to help him find us. Anyway it worked and come Sunday morning we were richer by 2 dozen chocolate eggs or so. Enough to make the kids hyper and the parents pull their hair out!!
Will and Laura with their Easter stash. Mmmmm!
Last night just for good measure we had a visit from another special friend...the Tooth Fairy. Laura finally wiggled a tooth out that has been hanging in there for more than 6 months. In fact the new tooth had taken up position in front of it and we thought it would never let go, but lo and behold with a bit of pushing from Laura it came out. Yippee!

What a week of celebration it has been. School holidays are on and "awful teachers" that we are, we gave the kids only the Easter long-weekend off. Because of the inclement weather we have been getting we decided to keep boredom at bay by continuing with school until we are able to do something useful with our free time. Sounded like a good idea to us! We did get to go 10 pin bowling, (Chris won both games - woo hoo!) which was fun.

Well I have already mentioned the less than perfect weather, suffice to say we had such a solid days rain the other day that Chris changed the batteries in the torch and got us ready for flood exacuation, just in case! We have been having lots of trouble with mould inside the bus and this morning I had to kill a whole nest of ants trying to make their home in a handbag in the bedroom cupboard. Not fun. Even worse are the mozzies, especially now we have holes in the flyscreen at the door! But then I guess if it was wonderful every day you would all want to be here with us, and much as we love you there just isn't room! So we will soldier on.

Chris got a job today. I really should have put that first shouldn't I? Only prob. is, it doesnt start for another month. So we will keep looking and if nothing else comes up in the mean time we will be off to St.George at the end of May. It's on a winery doing stuff with the vines. Maybe we'll get a special deal on some bottles...fingers crossed! Cheers for now, x x x

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