Thursday, March 26, 2009


On Sunday the 22nd March we went for a day trip to Evans Head, a lovely little seaside town about 1/2 hr drive from Lismore. The first thing we saw when we arrived were these cute little crabs. Hundreds and hundreds of them, running about everywhere and burrowing into the sand if you got too close. They had a blue shell and made a "tinkling" sound when they ran and brushed against each other. Click on PLAY and see what I mean...

The weather was lovely, perfect for walking on the beach and letting the water lap at our feet. When it was time to turn around and head back Will had a pocket full of smooth black rocks and Laura had dripping wet shorts! What a surprise!! We found a little shop where we could buy an ice cream and watch people go by while Laura dried off. Then we found a park and the kids had a play.

The next day Chris came back to try his hand at catching us some tea from the rock wall in the photo above. He spent the whole time getting bites and replacing his bait but unfortunately, no tea. He did spot a shark swimming by tho'. YIKES!

This anchor was caught in a fishing net near Ballina. It was dragged along the bottom until the net broke, then it was retrieved by divers.

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