Sunday, March 8, 2009


Laura on the steps of the Australian War Memorial

The Australian War Memorial, Canberra. On the little pond there was a duck swimming with her ducklings. The domed building at the back is the resting place of the "unnamed soldier" and every inch of wall and roof is covered in the most magnificent mosiac.

The kids getting in a bit of learning, with the headmaster watching on!

The kids were amazed to see all the names on the wall (and this was only one wall, there were just as many on the opposite wall). We were trying to find any family names and were fortunate that we couldn't.

What a lousy shot of Canberra! Smoke from the awful fires (still going when this was taken) have made the view very poor. At the extreme right of the shot is Parliment House, the little bridge going across the "lake" leads to it.

OK, I know what you're thinking, Deb was not drinking when she took this one! I'm sure there's a perfectly easy way to turn this around but I can't find it so just lay your head on the side and get over it!! It's a big communications tower on Black Tower Hill and we could go as high as the roof of the middle "disc" with the double row of windows. You might be able to see the big spikey fence that kept us from jumping off, if you look closely.

As you can see, the Botanic Gardens in Canberra were lovely. We took a picnic lunch and ate it with the lizards and other wildlife.

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