Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My mate Caz

Saturday saw Chris and Will leave on the bus and head for Katherine. Laura and I stayed to help Caz pack a few things and do some filing (boy, my secretarial skills are dodgy, I even ended up with a cut hand!). Then we headed off ourselves with all the animals: Wicket, a pregnant Suzie (who is due any day now!), Mumma cat and the 3 chickens (Stardust, Sparkles and the only hen - Pepper). We had a non-eventful trip, just the way we like it and went straight to Janelles to drop off Laura for a play with Micaelia. Will was already there so they could say a last "seeya" to the kids. We stayed at Meryl and John's and had a delicious tea with Caz, Craig, Janelle, John, Darren and Kelly and it was all going fine until I had to say the first goodbye...then I lost it a little. But what else did everyone expect? Those who know me expect me to cry at farewells, weddings, funerals, get togethers, hell any old time at all really!

Well it had to be done, and on Sunday morning at about 9am we piled onto the big blue bus and drove away from my mate Caz, to continue our adventure around Australia. It was dreadful to leave her so close to having her little bubba (only a few weeks to go), but I know Craig and all the family will look after her. I am so glad to have had the opportunity to spend lots of time with her and to catch up on life and news in general, which you just can't do over the phone. Until the New Year...chow for now Caz and thanks for everything :-)) xxx


The Billing family said...

I am sure it was dreadfully hard to leave Caz....especially so soon to calving! You'll just have to hurry home and give baby Bella a big cuddle. Just putting a new photo of her on the farm cute now. 13 weeks old! OMG, time flies.

Stevo and Co said...

you bet, we will be expecting lots of cuddle time with beautiful bella, photos are great :-)
see you all soon xxx

Caz said...

ha ha, calving! Too funny!

I wouldn't have made it that far by myself in Darwin without you guys. Have a great trip back, see you in December!