Thursday, January 28, 2010

Life in Darwin

Hello to all our friends, where ever you are! Life here in sunny Darwin is going wonderfully for us all. Work at the hospital has gone from casual to full time on the orthopaedic ward, which I am loving. Great team of nurses to work with, friendly doctors and allied health staff too. Enjoying getting up and going to work, which was a worry for a little while when I was going here, there and everywhere, not knowing the wards or the staff. Now I love it!

Stevo is still busy with Caz's yard, but the wet season is slowing things down a little. There is no such thing as a little drizzle or light rain, it's all or nothing up here. Hard to pour concrete when you could get inches of rain in the next few hours. But between fishing and reading he is stopping the boredom from setting in!!

The kids started back at school this week and I must say - so far so good. Both of them get home and say they did "nothing" when asked, but I'm hoping they are learning all the things that I couldn't teach, art, sporty know what I mean. They have made friends already and we have had no tears, so that's a bonus.

Laura has developed a new skill that I'm sure the family at home will be thrilled with...she is the best little tick picker in the NT! Every night she pesters Caz to get the tweezers and the empty wine bottle (into which we humanely put them to sleep!!!!), and let her pull the many ticks off the pup and 2 dogs that they pick up from the dirt in the backyard. Poor Will doesn't like it at all and won't even watch, big sook. Luckily for the cats they don't get them. And although I know they are around we haven't seen any cane toads up here in the backyard at all, so that's good.

Looking forward to seeing the Billing family at the end of March, I've already put in my requests at work for some days off. Looking forward to a little sightseeing with our friends, and hearing all the news from "home". The kids will have a ball I'm sure.

Well bed time here in Glencoe Cresent, better get these kids off to sleep...chow for now, love the Stevenson family.

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