Saturday, January 2, 2010


WOW, it's 2010 and I'm looking forward to another year full of fun and adventures. We had a wonderful time at Katherine with Caz, Meryl, John, Darren, Janelle, Craig and all the kids. Have taken lots of photos but no time to put them on the computer tonight, just got back to Darwin today and need a rest before starting back at work tomorrow. I will get them on soon tho', I promise. The trip home was the usual thrill (well I think that's the word I'm looking for?!) well as the 2 dogs, 2 cats and 3 kittens we'd taken down with us the first trip, we also had 3 puppies to bring home this time!! And before you ask - NO, we weren't in a truck or ute or towing a trailer...we were all crammed into a regular camry sedan (with Caz, myself and Laura - the animal lover). Luckily only one of the cats poops every time you put it in the cat cage and the other one gets car sick and throws up!!!!! Some would say Stevo and Will were the smart ones going in Jimny, although it adds an extra hour and a half to an already 3 hour trip, but I think secretly they were jealous to miss all the fun.

My poor old body is still aching from the energetic New Years Eve activities Chris, Caz, Craig and I got up to. For those naughty people who just went "eeeeewww, yuck Deb!", I will explain...Craig brought over his Wii and the four of us spent hours jumping around like crazy people punching each other, swinging golf clubs and baseball bats, throwing 10 pin bowling balls and generally laughing our heads off. I found muscles I didn't know I had and they have been screaming at me for the last two days! It was a great night and I'm glad I got to spend it with Caz (oh, and you too Stevo and Craig). Did anyone make any New Years resolutions? I didn't, but I feel positive about the year ahead. We made some big decisions last year and this year we are going to sit back a little and enjoy the ride (and the fishing I hope, for Chris' sake!). Hope 2010 is a year of wonderful times with lots of love and happiness for you all, my dear friends. Take care, eat, drink and be merry, I know we will be. See you all some time soon,
love Deb xxx

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