Saturday, December 19, 2009


My little baby turned 8 yesterday! We took her shopping to spend her birthday money and came home with a bag full of stuff - CD's, a lip balm making kit, LEGO 4WD and horse float, and Chris' favourite...some streamers/pom poms for dancing to her CD's with!! We went to Hungry Jacks for lunch and had a cake after tea when we sang Happy Birthday. I think she had fun. She also got to talk to lots of family from home who rang to wish her well.

Boy, it's a busy time of year! Birthdays, christmas shopping, present wrapping and then there's WORK. I am getting lots of shifts at the hospital, mainly mornings so I can be home with the family for the arvo, unless of course they cancel me. Today they cancelled my morning shift but needed someone for the PM shift, so off to work I will be going at 1PM. Oh, my poor aching feet!! Never mind, I get 10 days off over chrissy and New Year so I'm really looking forward to that.
As you can see, Will and Laura are getting into the spirit of Christmas. We will be going to Katherine to stay with Caz's family and are all getting very excited...especially Mum!!!
Well better go see what's happening outside before I organise things for work. Love to you all and hope to catch up some time soon xxx

1 comment:

The Billing family said...

Happy birthday Laura. Sounds like you had a great day. Happy birthday to Stevo too (I know you are in there somewhere!). Things going well here - got your Xmas card thanks. Doing last minute rushing about as usual!!!