Thursday, November 26, 2009

Settling in at Caz's

Hey there everyone, here we are in beautiful Darwin, relaxing and enjoying the mozzie bites! Actually I think they are sandfly bites, but either way they are very itchy and driving me nuts!! Still waiting to see my mate Caz, who is down in Brissy at the moment, but hopefully she won't be too far away. Despite that we have moved into her back yard, with just inches to spare, as you can see from the photo. Stevo had to pull off some pretty impressive driving skills but we are in and poor Caz will have trouble getting us out now!
The weather is as we expected...unbelieveably bloomin' hot and muggy (the humidity is about 70-80%), but so far we are surviving, just! It takes about 2-3 showers a day, a few dips in the backyard bathtub, and at LEAST 3 changes of clothes to maintain some semblance of cleanliness. Thank goodness we aren't on water restrictions! Caz gave the kids a present that will probably save us all...a pool, so tonight we started setting it up and tomorrow we will try it out. Can't wait. Chris and I have been doing a little gardening for Caz to help her out, despite her protests that we would be sorry, and I hate to say it, she was right. Just walking out to the letter box is a job that makes you sweat so piling up dead palm fronds, moving rocks and pulling weeds is almost beyond us. Still, the yard looks better already so it is worth it! Last night we got our first rains of the wet season since we've arrived and it was wonderful to hear heavy rain on the roof for a change and see the flashes of lightening. Unfortunately I was the only one awake to enjoy it (tho' Will says he was awake the whole time too. Yeah, sure!)
Today we went to see one of the 2 local schools we are looking at for the kids next year. It was great and I don't think we'll have too much trouble getting them to start, they may even do a few weeks before the end of the school year. We have not done any serious school work since we left Mackay and the kids are keen to get back into it. What the?!
There are lots of animals here at Caz's and the cute and cuddly kittens are probably getting the most love and attention, closely followed by the dogs, chooks and fish. We are expecting baby chickens in the next day or so, that will be interesting. I've almost forgotten what it's like to be a new mother, the stress is terrible! Hope the family are all still safe and well when Caz returns.
Alright, almost time for bed so I'm out of here. Cheers to you all and take care, love Deb and Co. xxx

1 comment:

Caz said...

How cool you are finally at my house - and you FIT!! Amazing. I warned you it was a jungle out shouda listened to me :-) Don't wear yourselves out, you go six months of being there you know. Thanks heaps for steping in and taking care of my babies! Love you guys, can't wait to see you.
