Saturday, November 7, 2009

Movin' on

Hi friends and family, we are on the move again and at the moment we are near Cairns at a place called Fishery Falls. The caravan park is lovely and the whole area is surrounded by mountains with a cute little stony bottomed river running thru' the back of the property. Ah, the serenity!

The trip up here was pretty cool too, we met some great people and the kids had a ball making friends. We stayed at Bluewater caravan park (just north of Townsville) the first few nights and met Steph and his wife Fi and their 3 kids, all about our kids ages. They are doing the trip around OZ, just like us, but they are going clockwise, so had lots of tips about the places we are yet to go. We chatted for ages and Chris and Steph had lots in, shooting, comparing buses, catching crocs...OK, just Steph on the last bit...the photos were fantastic! A lady named Ann who lives at the caravan park came to ask if our kids would like to go around the camp on Halloween with her trick or treating. I think there's a saying about a bear in the woods that would be useful at this point, suffice to say...they went! They got so many lollies I don't know how they will ever get them eaten (I can hear Shas and Tanya saying "just let them eat them", but believe me, it's not worth the stress later in the day!) Our buddies were moving on the next day to a free camp just up the road at Toomulla, so we decided to hold off on our move to Cairns and spend a little longer with them. Glad we did, we got to meet another great couple, Mick and Michelle and their 5 daughters. So all in all we had 10 kids between us and barely a disagreement to be heard for the 2 days we were together. Amazing! Will and Laura had so much fun at the playground, on the beach, riding bikes and just generally playing around with the other kids they didn't want to leave. But of course we had to get a move on, Caz is waiting for us!
Here we all are on top of the lookout at Townsville.
Here are our little "trick or treaters". Laura is the ghost, then Elly, Lacey, Jay, Keira and Will (the pirate).
The camp site at Toomulla with our big blue bus in the background.Steph in his boat with Will and Laura and some of the other 10 kids!

We found these little bird "nests" all along the beach at the high tide mark. Think they were tern's eggs and they were just plopped in the sand in groups of 1-3 amongst the shells. They were really well camoflauged so the kids ran around marking them with sticks so noone would stand on them. When we checked them the next day a few had hatched out. Very cute, hey?

Got to Fishery Falls on Wednesday the 4th. Caught up with Sandy and Trevor, had a few drinks (of course) at happy hour and met some of the locals. The next day we went into Cairns and spent the day on the Esplanade at the lagoon and the snazzy little playground called "Muddies".

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