Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Drinkies with Carol and Allen

Having a wonderful time here in Edithburgh with our friends we met way back in Mirani last year, Carol and Allen. But, boy oh boy, my "healthy eating plan" has taken a battering since we arrived here! Not only am I drinking every night, I am having nibbles before an enormous meal, then dessert afterwards. So much for the 2.5kg I had gotten rid of. I will wait until we get home and have had a party or two, then start again. No good stressing about it now :-(

The kids are having a lovely time being spoilt terribly with all the attention, good food and lots of movie time. They are also helping to care for some new additions to the Reid family, their 6 new chooks. They have been saved from a chook farm and although they are a little bald in places now, I'm sure they will soon be looking proper flash!

Kids and I have spent a few hours at the local parks over the last few days. Chris and Al have been out in the boat fishing and have brought home a yummy array of goodies for us to try; King George Whiting, garfish, snook (which Chris loves to catch) and some squid. We have had fish plain, crumbed, smoked and even pickled and still have a few bags in the freezer to bring home. Not a bad effort!

But the best time of all is the evening, well more like 4pm when Carol calls out "drinkies" and we all head out to the porch area for a yack and a laugh over a few drinks. It's a very nice way to be ending our holiday. Not long to go now...

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