Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A busy month in June

This is a brief look at some of the excitement we had in June... Went to Nightcliff jetty to watch the sunset one night with Michelle and her sister. Very relaxing!
Had a weekend away at South Alligator river with a couple of my friends from the hospital, out in Kakadu National Park. Left the kids at home with Grandma and Grandpa (who had just arrived the day before). It was either take the kids or the esky because we couldn't fit both in Jimny...no real thought involved I must say...just had to organise a babysitter. The weather was good, the fishing was great and the company was wonderful. We had Susan and her hubby Marty (who organised the trip) and another friend Lauren (who was on her first camping trip EVER), and of course Stevo and I. Chris got his second barra in as many months and we ate it for tea, yummo! Didn't see one croc which was a bonus as we had to walk across the river a couple of times.
Here are some shots of us relaxing around the camp fire and having a dip in the morning to cool off before heading home.

Towards the end of June we took the bus for a spin and went down to Katherine. I must say, it felt good to be back on the road. We stayed at Janelle's place so we could celebrate "Territory Day" on the 1st of July with Caz's family. We had a big bonfire and got to let off loads of fire crackers and we all had a ball. I will admit I was a little stressed when I saw Will helping Janelle to light a few fuses but of course like any good mother I just tried not to look and had another bourbon! As a result I didn't get one photo of the crackers but they were very impressive, and most importantly noone was injured!
We took all the kids out for a look at Cutta Cutta caves while we were down there. There are some amazing formations and they are really sparkly and pretty.

This next photo is Caz and Wickett trying to catch a barra in the Ferguson river, just out of Katherine. We had a lovely, leisurely day beside the river and all found something to occupy our time...the kids - eating and exploring, Deb - doing a crossword, Caz and Chris - fishing, and Craig - taking photos.
Will relaxing at Janelle's with her dog "Chilli"
Laura having a little "ride" on Janelle's horse.
On the day we got back to Darwin one of Caz's chooks was hatching out the last of the eggs she has been sitting on. Here are the kids with 3 of those 4. They seem to spend more time in the kids hands than they do under their mother but so far they are surviving! Two of them were attacked by ginger ants and have problems with their legs now but we are trying to help them along as best we can. We have warned Laura that only 2 might live and she was very teary last night that the mother chook would be sad if 2 of her babies died. If love can get them thru then Laura will get them there!

Well after 7 days off I am back to work this arvo, and not that keen I must say. Poor Don and Bett have been busy all morning trying to fix a broken pipe in Caz's front yard and have just succeeded so thankfully we have water again. Call me posh but I really have trouble surviving without water on tap! Chris is at work and so is Caz and the kids are at the kitchen table making something with the beados. All in all another lovely day in paradise! Cheers to you all xxx

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