Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Good times...

These first few photos are to finish off my last entry, which I was too lazy to do! While Don and Bett were still up here we went for a drive to the local dam. The boys threw a few lures (but no bites) and we then all enjoyed a lovely bag of nibbles and finger food, which also served as lunch. The kids had a great time getting their feet wet and as you can see the weather was lovely.
Bett relaxing by the dam, with Chris giving Will a few pointers in the background.
Now back to the latest news...This weekend Chris and I took the kids for a lovely Sunday drive to Finch Hatton to go to the local market. Chris had heard the advertisement for it on the radio while he was working and thought it might be nice. Unfortunately, when we got there, there wasn't a soul in sight. No markets, no stalls, nothing! Maybe Stevo needs better ventilation in his tractor, perhaps the exhaust fumes are getting in?!! Luckily it was a beautiful day so we weren't fussed and decided to head over to Sarina for a walk on the beach. On the way we stopped at Cattle Creek for this next photo opportunity. It's a very rocky bottomed creek, but Stevo wasn't interested, no good fishing spots!!

We jumped back in little Jimny and continued on towards Sarina, but along the way we passed a sideshow. I wanted to walk on the beach, but as we live in a democratic world I was outvoted 3 to 1 and we went to the show. We brought lunch and the kids had a ball on the blowup slides, dodgem cars and running around in the enormous worm. We even got lucky by coming in as the lady on the ticket booth was packing up, so we didn't have to pay, yippee! Saved heaps $$!! By the time we were done we were too tired to do anything but head for home, thinking we might stop to have a quick look in a bric-a-brac store in Mackay for a few things we wanted...forgetting that Mackay doesn't have Sunday trading. Bummer, foiled again! Someone did not want us to spend our money that day, how lucky were we?!!
Laura having a blast and Will waiting patiently for his turn.

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