Friday, May 29, 2009

Touring around Mackay

Hi there friends and family, time to catch up on our news. This week has been a touristy week, showing Lynne all the sights around Mackay. We organised a hire car so we could travel in style (and no one needed to be tied to the roof rack!) and on Tuesday we headed off to Dolphin Heads and Blacks Beach. Only a short drive down the road and lots of beautiful scenery. Sand, sea and...OK, not much surf, but still it was nice. Went to the local pub for a delicious lunch (I recommend the prawn caesar salad, mmmm!), the kids collected shells and we found a playground so the adults could have a little down time. All in all, a very relaxing day.

Does it look windy much?!! Laura having a bad hair day.

Lynne and the kids on the beach near Mackay.

Next day we were off to Eungella National Park, about a 1 hour drive west of Mackay. We stopped along the way at Finch Hatton Gorge and went for a walk through the rainforest to "the wheel of fire" (no idea where the name came from, no wheels or fire seen by any of us!). It was a lovely walk thru' the rainforest and although it was mostly uphill and involved climbing about a million stairs, the kids didn't complain and we got to enjoy an icy cold drink from the stream when we got there. After recovering we trekked back out and went to The Pinnacle for lunch. They are advertised (by the lady in the tourist information centre) as "the best pies in Australia", and I must say they weren't far wrong. BIG and home made, yummy!

Can anyone spot "rock Willaby"?

Lynne and Will on the track heading out.

After filling our tummies we went up to the Eungella Range, a very steep drive but well worth the view. At Broken River we went for a walk to try and spot a platypus, but alas, just like the dingoes at Fraser Island, we saw not-a-one. Not sure whether it was the small, noisy people we had with us or whether the little rascals were just all out for the day, but no platypi (or as Chris says "platypusses") were sighted. Still, it was a beautiful spot to visit, lots of interesting plants that we don't often get to see.
Laura wanting to climb the "ladder", and Chris wishing he was Tarzan!
Thursday Chris took Lynne and the kids down to Sarina whilst Deb opted for a day of peace and relaxation on her own. I went to the shops and got a book which I came home and made a good start on! I also got 3 loads of washing done and spent a considerable amount of time wondering what the kids were doing, but mostly I relaxed! It was lovely. Lynne took some photos of the kids playing in the waves and generally having a wonderful time.

1 comment:

Caz said...

Looks like a lovely area. Cute pic of you and Chris. Put some bricks or something on those kids heads before they get any bigger!!