Saturday, November 21, 2009

The beautiful Northern Territory

We made it to the border on Wednesday the 18th and I was so excited to get to the NT. As you can see from the photo, Laura was less excited as she had had a small disagreement with her brother and didn't want to be in the photo. We made her anyway!
This is one of the open cut mines at Mt Isa.
We stayed at the Barkly Homestead for our first stop in the Northern Territory. Met a nice couple and his teenage daughter who were on their way to Karanda (Qld). They had found a joey in it's dead mother's pouch on the side of the road that day and were trying to keep it alive. They bought it over to show our kids. Will and Laura enjoyed having another new friend to play with in the pool and we had a few drinks together that night and shared travel stories. It was great. Next morning we were off to Dunmarra.


Caz said...

Hope you guys are having fun! How ironic you've come from QLD to NT and I've gone from NT to QLD!!


Caz said...

Hey, Dad said to tell you Mt Isa is an underground mine...not open cut??? Don't ask me why, ask him?