Wednesday, June 17, 2009

It's Show Time!

On Sunday the kids and I went to the Finch Hatton Show, just 1/2 an hour from Mirani. It was a beautiful day, and as you can see from the photos, the kids had lots of fun. We saw horse jumping, wood chopping, a cow dressed up as a horse, and all the other usual show things. Of course we ate too much, but noone threw up so that was OK.
Will and Laura slipping down the slide.

Having a blast up the front, hurtling around on the roller coaster.

Laura with a good grip on things.

Laura (in pink on the far right) seeing the sights from up high.

We are settling in to life in Mirani. Chris is doing very long days, leaving at around 3.30am and not getting home before 5.30pm most times. He works 6 shifts on and then gets 2 off. I don't even hear the motorbike any more...loving wife that I am! Did I tell you we decided to lash out and get Chris a bike (with an engine), so I could have the car to get kids here and there and everywhere. It's about 20 years old but he really loves it and it goes like a beauty, even on these chilly mornings. Brrr!

The hot rod!

Yesterday Chris had the day off and went fishing, caught 2 "sooty" (don't ask me what sort of fish they are exactly, but they tasted lovely).

We heard from our friends Mark and Sam this week and they are hoping to get up for a visit in a few months time, can't wait! Laura also got a big fat letter from her old 1/2K class at Elliminyt primary school, full of postcards and photos of all the kids. She was so pleased and read them over and over.

We found a really great park in Mackay. This video is brilliant if you want a good belly laugh!!

Well cheers until next time!

1 comment:

Caz said...

ha ha, glad to see you're having fun! Video was a hoot!
