These photos below may give you some idea of how much land in this region is planted in sugar cane. As far as you can see in almost all directions there is cane. Even houses are hidden and tractors are dwarfed by it.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
How Sweet It Is...
These photos below may give you some idea of how much land in this region is planted in sugar cane. As far as you can see in almost all directions there is cane. Even houses are hidden and tractors are dwarfed by it.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
It's Show Time!
We are settling in to life in Mirani. Chris is doing very long days, leaving at around 3.30am and not getting home before 5.30pm most times. He works 6 shifts on and then gets 2 off. I don't even hear the motorbike any more...loving wife that I am! Did I tell you we decided to lash out and get Chris a bike (with an engine), so I could have the car to get kids here and there and everywhere. It's about 20 years old but he really loves it and it goes like a beauty, even on these chilly mornings. Brrr!

Yesterday Chris had the day off and went fishing, caught 2 "sooty" (don't ask me what sort of fish they are exactly, but they tasted lovely).
We heard from our friends Mark and Sam this week and they are hoping to get up for a visit in a few months time, can't wait! Laura also got a big fat letter from her old 1/2K class at Elliminyt primary school, full of postcards and photos of all the kids. She was so pleased and read them over and over.
We found a really great park in Mackay. This video is brilliant if you want a good belly laugh!!
Well cheers until next time!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Everywhere you drive there is sugar cane as far as the eye can see. It blocks a lot of the landscape, but not for much longer. Monday was the first official day of the cane season so there were tractors getting started with the harvesting and trailers loading it on the wagons for the trains to take to the mills. Need to be careful now of all the rail crossings, the trains are very long but at least they go quite slow. Chris started his new job this week, and according to the stories he tells me it's not too bad and he's quite good at it. Unfortunately the weather has slowed work down and according to the locals it is "unseasonally wet" at the moment, which makes it hard to get on the paddocks to harvest the cane. What a surprise! Everywhere we go it's "unseasonally wet"!!!!! Starting to think we have created some kind of black hole which dumps Victoria's rain on us wherever we are!!! But it is nice and warm still, so that's a bonus.

The kids decided to go dunking for apples. Here is Laura's attempt...and then the camera goes flat before Will can get it.
There are lots and lots of green tree frogs around here. I had to chase one out of the shower cubicle yesterday before I was game enough to close my eyes and put my head under the tap! Chris also found this lovely little gecko who we thought might like to eat some of the ants and mozzies we get in the bus from time to time, so we put him up near the bag rack and every now and then we see him. Much to my disgust he has been named "Norbert", a very ugly name for a very cute little critter, but he doesn't seem to mind.
Well my windows are grotty and I am heading out to give them a scrub. Hi to you all and if anyone wants to write you can send mail "c/o Mirani Post Office, Mirani, Qld" (not sure of the post code) and they tell me it will find us! Chow for now, love the Stevenson's x x x