Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Photos, as promised.

Right, first of all here are some photos from the mini golf and archery range where we took Will as part of his 10th birthday present. We had a fun time and please note: Deb was the only one to get A HOLE IN ONE!!
Ready, aim, FIRE!!

Gave the kids a day off school and spent the morning at Crocodylus Park with the Billing family. We have been there before but it was good to go again. Had a BBQ tea with them and enjoyed some yummy croc burgers and snags for tea.
BEWARE: A man eating crocodile Will found at Crocodylus Park.
Next photos are of the lovely day we had at Litchfield Park with Caz and the Billing family. There was lots of walking, a delicious picnic lunch, a swim in this gorgeous water hole to cool off, some interesting sight seeing (like this massive termite mound), and on the way home we stopped for a cool beverage at the Batchelor pub. Couldn't ask for a better day!
Now to present day and the wonderful trip we just had to Douglas Daly Tourist Park. OK "wonderful" may be stretching the truth just a little...let me explain...
Friday was my birthday (happy birthday to me!). Had to work in the morning but Caz and I got an early mark. Chris and the kids had Craig's 4WD packed and pretty much ready to go so we hooked up the trailer and off we went. Got there about 6pm and set up the tents and made the beds...so far so good I bet you're thinking. Got out the party food and poured a drink to start the celebrations. Got the first drink down but now things start going pear shaped! Felt a little rain... then it got a little heavier...started throwing stuff we didn't want to get wet into the car...by the time we were finished we were all drenched thru'. Sat in the car for about half an hour having a laugh until the downpour stopped, then got out to survey the damage. All the tents and bedding were soaked!! Aaarrrgh! What is it with us and camping and getting wet?!! Ended up having a hot cross bun for tea and squeezing into the back of the 4WD to try to get some sleep. Caz decided to brave the wet mattress and try to get some sleep in the tent. I don't think she did much better than us, except she had room to stretch out her legs. Let's just say we were all glad that there were spare cabins to hire at the park for the Saturday night, because we refused to quit and go home. We were told they had 40mm of rain overnight.
This is our camp in the morning with all our bedding hung out to dry.
But don't worry, come the morning we all put on a happy face and got on with enjoying the rest of our trip. I think it helps that some of us cracked a can for breakfast!!
Laura is standing beside a part of the springs that is usually a tiny trickle.
Shelly drove down for the Saturday and spent the night in the cabin with us. We went for a drive to Oolloo Crossing and had a sit by the river relaxing while Stevo tried to catch a fish.
Stevo on the right of this picture having a cast.
Saturday night we had late birthday celebrations and it also happened to be Chris and my 11th wedding anniversary, so it was extra special. We ate, drank and were very merry, especially knowing we all had nice dry beds to curl up in that night! Zzzzzzzzzzz!
Deb and Chris enjoying a romantic moment.

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Well so much has been going on this last week or so, I don't know where to start. I'll have to add the photos in the next entry because a lot are on Caz's camera and I don't have a copy yet. At the moment she's down in Katherine for the Easter break so I will get them and post them when she gets back, promise! Want the biggest news of the decade first? Well of course you do...Caz is pregnant!!! OMG, it's true...scarey, but true. In truth we have known for 8 weeks or so and I have been keeping it all a big, fat secret until she was far enough along to start telling friends and the general public, so now it's out (the secret that is, not the baby! That's due to come out in September). So much for all the boozing and partying we had planned, now we have to sit home knitting booties every night. Nah just kidding, it's all hugely exciting and I'm thrilled that I can be up here at this time, although my mean old hubby is going to drag me away from Darwin only a few weeks before Caz is due! What is he thinking?

OK, moving on from that thrilling news we have had Mark, Sam, Tom and Biddie Billing up here for a wonderful week of fun and excitement. Went to Litchfield Park for a long walk and a beautiful swim, to the water park in Leanyer, to the wharf for a yummy fish & chip lunch and had a few barbies on the quiet nights in between. All in all it was a great week and went waaay too fast.

Kids are now officially on school holidays for a week. Thursday was their last day and we went to see them compete in their school swimming carnival . They both went really well. Got a few second, third and fourth ribbons which I was most impressed with (although Chris is convinced they were ripped off a place on a couple of races. Remember kids it's all about the FUN!!) Next weekend we have planned a camping trip to the Douglas Daly Tourist Park, weather permitting of course. Caz is coming and Shelly might get there too we hope. Will fill you in on that at a later date.

On Tuesday night Caz gave me an early birthday pressie. We went out for tea, then she took me to see "Rockwiz" performing here in Darwin, you know the ABC music quiz show? They are on a national tour and put on three shows up here. It was fantastic, very funny and lots of fun. Angry Anderson was one of the celebrity guests and another was a girl called "Megan Washington" who is from Geelong and has an amazing voice and another girl is in a band also from Geelong, but I can't remember her name...maybe Anthea, or something like that. Boy we have some great talents in Victoria. Only downer was coming home at 10.30pm when it had finished and both of us yawning all the way home and realising that we are officially getting OLD! Boo hoo.

Between all this fun and frivolity I am squeezing in work now and then and, more importantly we have to keep an eye out for the easter bunny tomorrow so he doesn't miss us! Really looking forward to that.

So that's all my good news, just one more thing before I sign off tho'...unfortunately not good news this time. Beautiful Rory, Caz's cat who she's had for many, many years (maybe 17 or so i think) had to be put to sleep this week. A couple of mongrel dogs roaming the street came into our front yard and roughed him up and he was in a bad way, poor old fella. He should have been able to just die in his sleep from old age. Pet owners need to be more responsible and keep their bloody dogs in their own yards! Can you tell it makes me wild?!! I'm off, see you next time.