Thursday, July 30, 2009

Back to normal...

Back to normal... well as normal as it gets around here anyway. Don and Bett left on Monday to continue their journey and here are the kids giving them a big cuddle before they head off. Hope they have a great time.

We went off to Sarina with Grandma and Grandpa for a little daytrip through the week. As you can see the weather was lovely and the kids had lots of fun running around all over the place.

Took a bit of encouragement (and a few prods), but they finally made it to the top! Hooray!!

Also had a day at the Finch Hatton Gorge (where we have been before, but well worth a second, or third trip!). As you can see, Laura was exhausted when we arrived so we took time out for a little rest and enjoyed the scenery...BEAUTIFUL!!

Kids are back at school this week and without jinxing myself I must say they have been particularly well behaved. Will even did a story yesterday that was over a page long, without even being asked. Could have knocked me down with a feather. Don't want to tempt fate but it would be nice to have some smooth sailing, this poor teacher isn't cut out for rebellious students! Still need to put on a few more photos but will leave it for another day, time to get the washing in and make some tea. No rest for the wicked...or the eternal travellers! Cheers.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Visitors from home

Yesterday Don and Bett (Chris' parents) arrived for a little holiday with us on their way to Cape York. The kids have been looking forward to the visit but thankfully we didn't know exactly when they would be coming until about a week before they left. They told us they would arrive somewhere around lunch time yesterday, and we were just at that point where I couldn't entertain the kids or placate them any longer with promises that "I'm sure they will be here REALLY soon", when they finally arrived. Phew, relief!

There was a free site right next to us so we took that and helped set up the camper trailer and then sat down to soak up the serenity. Chris was home early which was a nice surprise (only a 10hr day that day!) so we lit the fire and sat around after tea chatting and eating marshmallows. Reminded me of all the great camping trips at Princetown with my lovely family and our wonderful friends (Kaz and Baz, Sandy and Robert etc). Wish you could all have been here to enjoy the moment with us. Ahh, bliss...

Anyway enough of that, things here are much the same as my last entry. Kids have been busy with their two little mates (Bosco and Sawyer) who live here at the caravan park (but are leaving Monday). The other day I made them all a "treasure hunt" where they had to go from point to point finding clues around the park, until they reach the end. My kids love these and we used to do them at home pretty often, but the other boys had never been on a treasure hunt so they were jumping with excitment and they all had lots of fun. They especially loved the chocolate coins and kinder surprise they won along the way!!

Chris and Don went fishing this morning at the dam and got 3 "sooty" and 1 redclaw (yabbie thing). Sorry Mooka and Holty, I told him to take the camera and SHOW YOU the fish but he forgot and had already filleted them when he got home. I promise next time there will be photos! Hope to do a little sightseeing over the next few days so I will get some more shots on the blog soon. Cheers, until next time, x x x.