So what's news?
Had Caz's "baby shower/girl's get together" in the Casino at the Sandbar. We got our own little secluded area to enjoy our high tea and cocktails, it was very swish.

Kids have both had sleepovers this month for birthday parties. Both came home with their eyes hanging out of their heads but had lots of fun! They have made some wonderful friends, we have been really happy with their time here at Wanguri school.
Another day the family went and had a look at the Darwin Beer Can Regatta, held on Mindil Beach. As you can see the boats really are made from beer cans and some were much more sea worthy than others.
Last night we went to the rodeo. It was the first time for Chris and the kids and they really enjoyed it...except for the cattle roping part where they threw the calves on the ground to rope their legs and Laura called out that it was awful and they were hurting them! Oh my special girl, what a greenie she will be!!! There was barrel racing, cattle roping, bull riding and the bucking broncos. Unfortunately we didn't get the camera going until the bulls had finished but we did get some of the bucking broncos. Forgive the shaky camera work,that's Stevo and he hasn't even had a drink...
Yeeeee har, ride 'em cowboy!
Tonight we are off for tea with Shelly and Craig at the seafood place on the wharf, should be lovely. Then tomorrow I start a run of 12 shifts in 14 days, including 4 nightshifts...couldn't get much yuckier than that! Luckily I will have 3 months off afterwards to recover, so I might just survive...