Back to normal... well as normal as it gets around here anyway. Don and Bett left on Monday to continue their journey and here are the kids giving them a big cuddle before they head off. Hope they have a great time.
We went off to Sarina with Grandma and Grandpa for a little daytrip through the week. As you can see the weather was lovely and the kids had lots of fun running around all over the place.
Took a bit of encouragement (and a few prods), but they finally made it to the top! Hooray!!
Also had a day at the Finch Hatton Gorge (where we have been before, but well worth a second, or third trip!). As you can see, Laura was exhausted when we arrived so we took time out for a little rest and enjoyed the scenery...BEAUTIFUL!!
Kids are back at school this week and without jinxing myself I must say they have been particularly well behaved. Will even did a story yesterday that was over a page long, without even being asked. Could have knocked me down with a feather. Don't want to tempt fate but it would be nice to have some smooth sailing, this poor teacher isn't cut out for rebellious students! Still need to put on a few more photos but will leave it for another day, time to get the washing in and make some tea. No rest for the wicked...or the eternal travellers! Cheers.